Thursday, May 21, 2009


Be sure to check out
Looking from my kitchen eating nook into the dining room.Also from kitchen--I love the raw silk drapes. The colors in them bring the color of the wall in dining room and living room together. It wouldn't have worked without them. I couldn't afford the material AND to have them made so my sister-in-law and I made them--mostly my SIL--thanks Gay!

We planted hydrangeas last year and are already reaping the rewards. They are loaded with blossoms. Will show them in a few weeks when we show yards.

This picture is looking from our dining room into our small living room. Even though that room is small, it is the one the adults always gravitate to when the family is all together. It is so cozy so there will sometimes be as many as 8 adults in that one room and sometimes add a few children or teenagers.

Looking from dining room into living room. I only showed my family room a few weeks ago so thought I would give you a little glimpse of our living room. The buffet on the far wall is my favorite piece of furniture in this room.

From the dining room, looking into the living room and entry hall. The two paintings are ones that I have done.