Thursday, May 17, 2012

Kingdom Prayers

God Most High is stunning, astride land and ocean.

Loud cheers as God climbs the mountain, a ram's horn blast at the summit.

Sing songs to God, sing out! Sing to our King, sing praise! 

                      He's Lord over earth, so sing your best songs to God.***

My Kingdom Prayer
Lord, I pray for all of those I love so much today--my children, grandchildren, my friends who have special needs, the guys at Renewal Ranch--Lord, you know all of those for whom I am praying--
Lord, as you climb your mountain today and as you work around us, I pray that in our hearts we will sound a ram's horn when we see You accomplish what only You can do.  May we be there in full force to support and to participate in Your work--to show how much we agree with You in what you are doing. 
I pray also that all of us would shout out songs of loudest praise to You, we would sing our very best songs to You, O God--the One and Only Living God!
I pray this in the Name of Jesus, Your Only Begotten Son.........Amen 

Analysis of a Kingdom Prayer

When we pray scripture over those we love, we pray God's perfect will for them.

Instead of getting bogged down in praying for all the things that could go wrong in their lives, I am determined to pray what God would have go right in their lives each day.

Now try to imagine one of those for whom you are praying supporting God today in His work, following God to the top of the mountain, sounding a ram's horn, singing at the top of his lungs--

When that happens, the enemy will not be able to have his way in anyone's life.

So I encourage you to search out God's Word today--find the scripture that is perfect for your loved one and pray that scripture over him/her.

You will also be amazed at the peace that comes from knowing we have prayed God's perfect will.

Lord, please continue to teach us how to pray Your Will into our lives.

   Blessings of love,

Would you like to share your thoughts or your heart with me? My contact information is listed in the upper right of the sidebar. Please feel free to email me. I love hearing from you and cherish the friendships I have made through blogging. 

© all photographs and text property of Dianne Hogue unless otherwise noted

***"Scripture taken from The Message. Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group."