Friday, November 12, 2021

My Rights vs. 1 Corinthians 13

good barometer to see how my Christian life measures up to what God said it should be is 1 Corinthians 13, especially verses 4-7.

Some questions I can ask myself are these.

1.  Does my love suffer long with others?  Am I patient?

2.  Do I let provocation from others control me?  Do I react as they act?

3.  Am I slow to anger?

4.  Am I willing to put up with a great deal of irritation brought on by others?

5.  Can I endure criticism and untruth with grace and mercy?

6.  Do I have poise under fire?

7.  When undergoing a great trial, do I give in to despondency?  

8.  Do I show kindness towards others?  Do I take the initiative to do good things for them even when undeserved?

9.  Do I show mercy to others?  In the book of James we read that mercy triumphs over judgment.  

10.  Am I harboring bitterness, wrath, or anger in my heart towards others?

11.  Am I tenderhearted towards others?

12.  Am I willing to forgive others even as God in Christ forgave me?

13.  Do I rejoice at the success of others?

14.  Do I delight when others are honored or esteemed?

15.  Do I envy others because of their success, beauty, wealth, or talent?

16.  Do I deliberately detract from others and in doing so, try to make myself look better?

17.  Do I want others to be envious of me?

18.  Do I climb over others at their expense to propel myself to the top?

19.  Do I show graciousness towards others?

20.  Do I forget self and give honor to others?

21.  Do I demand to have my own way?

22.  Do I put selfish interests before others?

23.  Do I insist on my own rights?

24.  Am I self-serving?

25.  Am I possessive, demanding or obstinate?

This is a very hard-hitting list but one that I want to face head on and see what work God wants to do in my heart, mind, and spirit.  What do I need to repent of?  What actions can I take to correct and alter my course where I have failed.

Lord, help us not to fear reality but to face it head on knowing that you are willing to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  Give us a willing heart to answer these questions truthfully and let You do a great work within us.