Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Willing To Believe

It certainly was a different Christmas for us this year. 

Some plans stayed the same.  Some got cancelled at the last minute.  Most of it having to do with COVID.

I have missed you.  So sorry that I got scooped up in the melee and did not communicate with you.

Today, I wanted to take just a couple of minutes to share this with you.

From Oswald Chambers, I believe it was on December 22.

"In preaching the gospel, always focus on the matter of the will.

 Belief must come from the will to believe. 

There must be a surrender of the will, not a surrender to a persuasive or powerful argument. 

I must deliberately step out, placing my faith in God and in His truth. 

And I must place no confidence in my own works, but only in God.

 Trusting in my own mental understanding becomes a hindrance to complete trust in God. 

I must be willing to ignore and leave my feelings behind. 

I must will to believe. 

But this can never be accomplished without my forceful, determined effort to separate myself from my old ways of looking at things. 

I must surrender myself completely to God."       Oswald Chambers

As a child I grew up in a denomination that placed great emphasis on "works," so it has been a struggle NOT to place confidence in my own works even though I KNOW my righteousness is as filthy rags.

I loved that particular denomination and believe most of what I was taught was pure truth.  Satan does love to twist even a tiny portion of what we are taught to get us headed down the wrong road or at least veering from God's path ever so slightly. 

The slightest distortion can end up being a major calamity somewhere down the road. 

When scientists and mathematicians were figuring out the exact degrees for landing on the moon.  The very slightest of miscalculations would have been disastrous.

So I want all of my beliefs to line up perfectly with God's truth.

These words of truth from Chambers give me great assurance and I hope they will for you also.


Thursday, December 17, 2020

What I Wish For You This Christmas

First of all I wish that every one who reads this post today belongs to Jesus and has made Him the Lord and King of your life. 

 * I wish for you--PEACE--that no matter the upheaval in your life today that you might be able to be at rest in your mind, your soul, your spirt and ultimately your emotions and actions.  Peace that the world cannot understand.

 * I wish for you--FAMILY--Most of us won't have every member of our family present but I pray that you have at least one more person to spend Christmas with--it may be a friend who feels more like family than family--that is good. I don't want you to be alone at Christmastime and I pray you have fellowship that will keep hugging you all through January.

 * I wish for you--FOOD--Ours will be very simple this year and it won't be on Christmas Day or Christmas Eve. It will be when we all can get together and that will be December 27 but it will be Christmas to me. I am going to fix a simple taco bar. Getting older is not for the faint of heart. I really miss having the strength and stamina to 'pull off' a massive Christmas dinner. But, I just can't do it anymore. So, I will make the most of what I can do.

 * I wish for you--JOY and HAPPINESS--something or someone to make you 'belly laugh.' Laughter does good like a medicine the Bible says and I truly believe that. I have one friend that we can just look at each other and die laughing. The simplest statements either one of us makes can send us into regales of laughter. The deep down JOY I wish for you can only come from God I believe. So I am asking God to give each of my readers true joy and happiness this Christmas.

 * I wish for you FREEDOM--freedom from oppression of any kind--whether governmental, political, familial, from the enemy's strongholds against us.  Freedom from drugs, alcohol, any kind of ungodly addictions--God is in the 'freeing' business.  Go out on a limb--ask Him for the impossible and then stand back in obedience to Him and watch Him work!

  * I wish for you PROTECTION--Praying that your guardian angel protects you and keeps you from all harm especially from COVID.  Be safe and protected.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

One Way to Hear From God At Christmas

A repost from past pages


o I wanted to write about the devotionals that we had with our family on the day celebrating Christmas--the day when everyone is finally here and together again. 

This day was pretty emotional since one of our daughters-in-law had cancer and chemo a good part of the year.  I am thrilled to write that she is cancer free.

Praise God and thank you so much to all of our friends and family who were so faithful to pray for her.

My husband did the Christmas devotional on Saturday.

The next day was Sunday, of course, and there are so many people to shower 
and get ready that we decided to stay home and 
worship together just as a family.

I was in charge of the devotional and decided to talk to my family 
about the importance of learning to actively listen 
to the Lord as he speaks to us--
Giving him a chance to speak back.

It seems that sometimes we get in so much of a rush that we end up 
giving our requests to Him and then going on with our day--
chores, business--whatever!

We did an exercise I used to do with my students when I taught school 
where we became as still as possible and listened for as many sounds 
around us as we could possibly hear.

Then we shared what we heard.

The heating unit, traffic in front of the house, coughs and breaths taken--
neighborhood noises that we would not have 'heard'
 had we not taken the time to 'listen.'

After this, we did the same thing except for a few minutes more--
I encouraged each one to go into his/her 'prayer closet' 
and listen to the God of the Universe speak.

It is amazing what discipline must be used to constantly bring our minds back to Jesus--
not thinking about what we are going to do the rest of the day, 
not planning dinner, or being distracted by the noises in the house and outside--
but constantly breathing a prayer for God to speak 
and for our hearts and minds to be open to hear what He has to say.

After this time, I gave each person, who wanted to, 
a chance to share what they had heard from God.

It was at that point in time that my 10-year-old granddaughter wanted to share her heart. 

First of all she explained that she really didn't know what I meant by a prayer closet 
but she took her new Christmas hat (black with a big white flower) 
and placed it over her face.  

She LOVES to wear hats.  

I think she got my drift--about the closet--

She told us the images that had come to her mind 
while she was listening to God 
and also shared that God had put a song in her heart. 

The song was Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee.

She started singing the song and all of our voices joined in with hers to the strains 
of this old and beautiful Christmas hymn.

As her comments and singing drew to a close, she said,
"Mimi, what I love about coming here (they live in another state) is that 
I can always feel the Holy Spirit in your house."

Every Christmas I pray that God will visit us especially as 
our family meets to celebrate His Son's birth.

My grandmother's heart rejoiced and I knew once again we had 
experienced Christmas and the Messiah had truly come 
and made Himself known to us.

P.S.  A few nights ago I watched on Facebook Live as this now 16 year old sang two solos at her high school's Christmas program.  I love seeing people use the talents God has given them--such a blessing!


Tuesday, December 15, 2020

How To Hear The Christmas Bell Again


Last night I walked into the family room where my husband was watching the end of The Polar Express.  I love that movie but it always makes me sad for all the people who cannot 'hear' the Christmas bell anymore. 

 Next week on Christmas Eve four years ago will be the last time I saw my then 17 year old granddaughter alive. 

 That, along with a few other severe blows, have made 'the Christmas bell' very hard to hear the last few years. 

 But I don't want to be an old grinch, an old grouch who makes everyone around her miserable at holiday time. I want to rejoice once again, to worship once again, to rise to new heights once again during this most precious of seasons. 

 Four years ago that same night when I walked out of the Christmas Eve service to a very cold dreary rain with tears trickling down my cheeks after learning my granddaughter was even sicker than I had known, someone said to me in a very exasperated, judgmental toned voice, "Dianne, you are just going to have to start trusting the Lord." 

It hurt--I have forgiven, but it still hurts when I hear that phrase in my mind. 

 I don't let myself go there very often. I only did today for the purpose of telling this story and maybe bringing some encouragement to you--you who have experienced your own griefs. 

 I'm sure that person had no idea of the damage those words would do to my already wounded heart. 

Most of us have a story to tell--a part of us that is missing all the time but especially at Christmastime.

I want to encourage you to give it all to God--yes, most likely there have been other Christmases when times were happier, when you hadn't just lost a relative or loved one to COVID, when you had more hope for our divided country than you have today.

--When you weren't on the front lines, working night and day to save people from a monster pandemic that has now claimed over 300,000 lives in the United States alone.  --When your best friend had not just walked out on you--when you weren't spending 24/7 caregiving and weren't totally exhausted all the time.

There are so many scenarios of grief that could take the stage--Scene 1, Scene 2, Scene 3--but God prepared a scene that would allow the ending to be a good one--not only a good one--a perfect one--a dark night sky, a star, a stable, some lowly animals, an angel, a mother, a father, a new-born babe--

Born a babe and yet a king.

To hear the Christmas bell again, won't you ask this King to be your Savior, your Messiah, the Lord of your heart, your mind, your emotions, your will, your intellect?

And if you already know Him, but are having trouble with bitternesses, resentments, hurts that others have inflicted on you or situations and circumstances that have brought you great sadness, loneliness or discouragement, won't you give it to Him?

If we are just honest with God and come before Him in truth acknowledging our sin, and asking Him to do the work in us--We are capable of making choices and decisions to follow Him and His way--BUT we are incapable of doing the actual work--that is the Holy Spirit's job--THEN, I think we will hear, maybe very faintly and tinny at first, but, in time, with resounding warmth and perfect peals, the beautiful bell of Christmas that rings for ALL.

P.S.  Look at the image of the angel above, let your eyes go to the bottom of her robe on the right side--do you see a dark spot?  I accidentally punched a hole in this canvas.  But I thought how apropos --we are not perfect, we all have our dark spots!  But she is beautiful in spite of it, I think and that is how God wants us to be--beautiful in spite of our dark spots--He knows that we are made from dust!

Jesus righteousness will cover our dark spots.  Thank you, Lord!


Monday, December 14, 2020

Raise Us To Thy Glorious throne.


When I started this journey of dissecting the Charles Wesley hymn, Come Thou Long Expected Jesus, I did it because I noticed the longing in it, the supplication--but without studying it, I don't think I would have ever realized the depth of meaning--the gut-wrenching desperate hope of ancient Israel for their promised Messiah to come.

I am so glad God took me on this journey and I hope it has blessed you.  I hope you will hear and feel this hymn in a way that you never have before.  

I pray that its message will stir a longing in you that won't b e satisfied until you meet face to face and spirit to spirit with Him, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost.

The last two lines are repeated

By Thine all sufficient merit,

Raise us to Thy glorious throne.

By Thine all sufficient merit,

Raise us to Thy glorious throne

and well they should be because their supplication raises our faith to a new level.

Repetition is used for emphasis!

Our spirits seem to soar as we are raised figuratively to His glorious throne.

Kingdom living is not only meant for our eternal future but for the here and now.  We are to pray for it daily as stated in the Lord's Prayer.

Thy kingdom come

Thy will be done

on Earth as it is in heaven--

Give us this day

at least I think it would be well to pray this daily.

While researching for this little post, I found the most amazing article.  I thoroughly enjoyed it and learned from it.  I hope you will click over and read it.  I think it will really bless you.

Here is the link to an awesome article about Christmas hymns that express our longing for the Messiah.  

The author is Dr. Hawn, professor of sacred music at Perkins School of Theology, SMU.


Saturday, December 12, 2020

By Thine Own Sufficient Merit


From the lowliest of old country churches to the most magnificent of cathedrals, people have worshipped God inside these walls down through the centuries. 

Why?  I think the main reason can be summed up in the line from Charles Wesley's Come Thou Long Expected Jesus.  Because of His Merit!       

We could not save ourselves.  We needed a Savior and His Merit is All Sufficient.

Because of His merit and because it was all sufficient, it is imputed to us as righteousness if we have faith to believe.

I have listed some scriptures below that emphasize that.

Ephesians 2:8-9

2 Corinthians 5:21

Philippians 3:9

Isaiah 53:11

Galatians 2:16

Romans 3:22

Romans 1:17

1 Corinthians 1:30

Romans 4:3

Jeremiah 23:6

Romans 4:5

“He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him”

C.H. Spurgeon states, “Christ was not guilty, and could not be made guilty; but He was treated as if He were guilty, because He willed to stand in the place of the guilty. Yea, He was not only treated as a sinner, but He was treated as if He had been sin itself in the abstract. This is an amazing utterance. The sinless one was made to be sin.”

All because He loved us so much!

I pray on this blessed Lord's Day that you choose to dwell on at least one or two of these scriptures

and know that God loves you, He sent Jesus to die on the cross for our iniquities.

Celebrate that incredible news today!


Rule In All Our Hearts Alone


Rule in all our hearts alone. Can we truly say that we want this line of song to come to fruition in our own lives?  

For this to come to pass, there must be a "dying to self."--A giving up of our own "rights, personality, and individuality."  

We must be willing to let God rule the way we think, speak and act.  If God is in charge our personality and individuality become a great asset--if not, they most likely will work against us at times.

And it all starts with the heart through a mighty, holy, righteous purifying by the Holy Spirit.  

This can only come to those who have accepted "the gospel" of the Lord Jesus Christ.  The gospel always brings good news and good news brings great joy.

Matthew Henry, in his commentary of Isaiah 9, likens it to the rejoicing at harvest time.  

Have you ever seen people post their 5 little tomatoes, 3 little peppers and a few green beans on Facebook--rejoicing in their harvest? 

That may seem amusing but harvesting is always time for rejoicing no matter how big or how small the bounty.

When the harvest of God includes the purifying of our hearts, then He and He alone can rule.

And His rule is always the best!

If you haven't already, won't you come to Him today and let Him do the work to make you the person who accepts His Rule in their hearts.  He will be the husbandman--He will do the work if only we let Him.

He will finish what He has started in us!

And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.

Philippians 1:6


Thursday, December 10, 2020

By Thine Own Eternal Spirit


When you think about the Spirit of God, what images comes to your mind? I am most often reminded of a dove. Maybe because a dove appeared at the baptism of Jesus and the Voice of God was heard.  

The Father God was present, Jesus was present and the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove.

BY THINE OWN ETERNAL SPIRIT--This Spirit, the Holy Spirit who is One of the Trinity equal to God the Father and Jesus Christ, is ETERNAL.

When trying to come up with an image to present to you guys, I looked at the background of this painting and thought, "What could more aptly express the Eternal Spirit--the suggestion of mountains and air and clouds and layers upon laters of the beauty of nature seemed to not only suggest but to validate eternity.

Who, but a God of eternity, could create something like this scene above?  Who, but God's Eternal Spirit could bring eternity to our hearts and lives today.

John 5:24

“I tell you the truth, those who listen to my message and believe in God who sent me have eternal life. They will never be condemned for their sins, but they have already passed from death into life. " NIV

If we listen and believe, we have already passed into Eternal Life because we have been born again because of the sacrificial shedding of blood on Calvary by Jesus, our Savior, given to us by God, and conceived by the Holy Spirit.  

This is cause for great rejoicing!  We must believe and receive.  We cannot work our way to heaven.  We cannot be good enough.  God now sees us through His Son.  Our Propitiation!  Our Redeemer!  


Now Thy Gracious Kingdom Bring


What does gracious mean in terms of Christianity?  A little research shows it to mean merciful, forgiving, compassionate, kind.

And so Charles Wesley prays in the lyrics to the great old Christmas hymn, Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus--"Now thy gracious kingdom bring."

In the Lord's Prayer, Jesus tells us to pray, "thy will be done, thy kingdom come."  

If we could only grasp the significance, the far-reaching effects of praying just that one phrase, I think it would turn our world upside down.

After studying this for some time and learning more than I can possibly expound on in this short post, I intend to pray the Lord's Prayer every day from now on.

When we pray "thy kingdom come," we are praying:

*For God to reveal Himself in His true nature.

*For God to be the King of our own hearts and lives.

*For God to save the whole world because we know it is His desire that everyone comes to Himself through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and the convicting power of the Holy Spirit.

*We are praying for no more tears, no more sorrow, no more pain.

*For the judgment of the whole world and for evil to be thrown into the pit never to be heard from again.

*For a future Kingdom where the will of God will be consummated and He will rule and reign forever.

*The above list is just the tip of the iceberg of what we are praying for when we pray

Now Thy Gracious Kingdom Bring.

I pray that each of you will pray "thy kingdom come" today.


Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Born To Reign In Us Forever


Israel had been beaten down and battered, exiled and humiliated for hundreds of years.  They were looking for an earthly king to come and deliver them.

It was not to be.

The birth of The Messiah had been predicted all those many year of enslavement, embitterment and hopelessness.

So, when Jesus showed up in the form of a helpless babe, walked three decades on this earth showing tenderness, love and humility, He was not accepted by His own.

Luke 1:31-33

You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. 
32 He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. 
The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, 
33 and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.”

It was to the people that He was to come--

to be born in them 

to reign in them forever.

If we have accepted Jesus as our Messiah, our Savior, we are grafted in and He comes to rule and reign in us forever.  He will never desert us.  He will never leave us.  He will be with us always even to the ends of the earth.  Matt. 28:20

Isn't that a glorious advent promise.  Today I accept Him all over again.  I invite Him in to rule and reign in my heart.  Oh, Come Lord Jesus.  Come to me a hopeless sinner apart from YOU!

So sing it out!

Shout it out!

With Him we are more than conquerors!

Romans 8:31b-39

 If God is for us,who can be against us? 

32 He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—

how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? 

33 Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. 

34 Who then is the one who condemns? No one. 

Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—

is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. 

35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? 

Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? 

36 As it is written:

“For your sake we face death all day long;
    we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.”[a]

37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 

38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life,

 neither angels nor demons,[b] neither the present nor the future, 

nor any powers, 

39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, 

will be able to separate us from the love of God 

that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Born A Child And Yet A King


Mary did you know that your baby boy would one day walk on water? 
Mary did you know that your baby boy would save our sons and daughters? 

Did you know that your baby boy has come to make you new? 
This child that you've delivered, will soon deliver you 

Mary did you know that your baby boy will give sight to a blind man? 
Mary did you know that your baby boy will calm a storm with his hand? 
Did you know that your baby boy has walked where angels trod? 
When you kiss your little baby, you kiss the face of God 

Mary did you know? 
Mary did you know? 

The blind will see, the deaf will hear, the dead will live again 
The lame will leap, the dumb will speak, 
the praises of the lamb 

Mary did you know that your baby boy is Lord of all creation? 
Mary did you know that your baby boy would one day rule the nations? 

Did you know that your baby boy is heaven's perfect lamb? 
That sleeping child you're holding is the great I am 

Mary did you know? Mary did you know? 
Mary did you know? 

I have several favorite Christmas songs but Mary, Did You know has to be one of my top three favorites.  Mark Lowery expounded on the line from Charles Wesley's great line from Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus--born a child and yet a King!

Did you know that Isaiah sent out Jesus' birth announcement 700 years before He was born?  Now who in the world would send out a birth announcement before the babe was born?

To us a child is born, to us a son is given;

 and the government shall be upon his shoulder, 

and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, 

Mighty God, 

Everlasting Father, 

Prince of Peace. 

Of the increase of his government 

and of peace there will be no end,
on the throne of David and over his kingdom, 

to establish it and to uphold it with justice 

and with righteousness
from this time forth and forevermore. 

The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this. 

What a glorious announcement!

May this babe turned King rule in your heart today.


Monday, December 7, 2020

Born Thy People To Deliver


"Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at rest."

I love that verse from Psalm 55:6.

I think all of us at times want to be delivered from our present situation and God has made provision for just that very thing.  Maybe not the actual reality of them but for sure from the stress they create.

But it is not the day to day cares of this life that are the main thing. The Bible says this life is a vapor.  Think about it.  Here one second, gone the next.

He sent his Son, Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the Deliverer to free us from our guilt, our sin, and an eternity apart from His presence.

When I really stop and think about a heavenless eternity, it is the absolute vacuum of His presence that sends my mind to a place that is unthinkable.  I bring myself back to reality quickly because it is a thought I don't want to think about.

However, even though we may be sure of our own salvation, thoughts of a Godless eternity should drive us to our knees in prayer and intercession for others and in thanksgiving for ourselves--that He has called us and we have heeded.  

After all, it is He Who pursues us.

I am praying that you, my precious reader, will fly away with the Spirit today.  Let Him catch you in His updraft of comfort, love and reassurance.  Let Him deliver you.

Forget the cares of this world and be at rest.

He was born to deliver us.


I love hearing from you. Email address can be accessed in the top right hand column.