Happy Thanksgiving from our house to yours. Michael and Traci are on the left with their three daughters, Katelyn, Caroline and Kennedy directly in front of them. Jeff is in the middle in blue and has his arm around his wife, Kim. His children are the two older teenagers on the right front, Kailey and Kendall. Chris and Andrea are standing between Jeff and my husband, Larry. Their children are Ashton, the blonde on the right and Noelle, who is sitting on Kailey's lap.
I had to set the tripod up so far away and run to get in the picture before it snapped. I think the big smiles from the sons are due to making fun of their mom running. I'm sure it wasn't a pretty site.
Also, my son Chris, (you can read about this tradition in the column to the left and follow its link) thinks he really got me by changing the word "Noel" on the mantle to "Leon" right before the picture was taken.
I'll get him back!!