I am thankful for:
fresh flowers
Ann at Holy Experience spoke this past week of gathering our own motley crew of vases and flowers....................finding beauty in the not so beautiful-------well, my post is really not a reflection of that I sad (glad) to say--the two weeks before were full of that with our son having a heart attack and deciding whether to have open heart surgery or stents -- but this past week was filled with beautiful (an awesome reprieve--God is so good) and I did want to share it anyway.
for skies that take our breath away
For my 10 year old granddaughter, Kennedy, who went to sleep in my lap at Kendall's football game Thursday night.
for warm bread right out of the oven (made by someone else--our neighbor brought this over last night) oh me! And get this, I just had to take a picture of it on these dishes because a close family friend of my husband's family just moved to LA to be with her daughter and family. She is 89 and thought it was about time. She had this set of dishes that had belonged to my husband's grandmother who died in 1987. I just got the set yesterday. Can you believe that? I cried, needless to say, because it reminded me of Mammaw.
For the first sights and sounds of the season--the wonderful Christmas Season
For carriage rides
For cute little snowmen hats--and a husband who will try one on in public--
For sparkly ribbon
For baubles of red and gold
For patterned ornaments
For glittery baubles that reflect the color of the earth, ocean and sky
For whimsical decorations that capture the imagination of every child---------
For my friend, Raydia. Raydia and I did an 8 week Bible study together recently at the center where I volunteer on Wednesdays. I attended her shower this past Saturday.
Raydia got so tickled when we played this string game. We were given a ball of string and we had to cut it off a length that we thought would fit around her tummy. She is 8 months along. One lady stood up and put the string around her own waist and cut it off there. When we had to measure our strings against the one that had actually been measured around Raydia's waist, this lady's was way, way longer.
My new friend, Michey--a total doll!
This cake looks like it was bakery made but it was homemade and it was so good. I didn't let myself have much since I am on the "Jeff diet," but what I had was delicious.
Look at this darling coat for her precious baby boy!
I wanted to share this picture of a beautiful rose. The florist was giving them away at the open house. We were going to see my childhood pastor's wife, Margaret, who had been in the hospital this past week and was admitted to rehab so we gave it to her.
For spiritual giants in our lives who God uses to mentor us, I am thankful.
And lastly, for our veterans--Freedom is not free and they have been willing to give their lives for our freedoms. Thank you, all American veterans everywhere. You have my heart. This veteran was walking while his wife was shopping today. I stopped him and asked him if it was okay for me to photograph him and publish it on my blog. This all happened within a span of about 10 or 15 seconds. I thought it so uncanny that the window behind him just happened to be decorated in red, white and blue.
Posted in thanksgiving with the Gratitude Community at: