Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

Praying for the peace of Jerusalem is such a great privilege as well as a Christian's responsibility.

 We are reminded numerous times in the Bible to pray in this way.  One of them is found in Psalm 122:6.

 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.

 So, on Wednesdays I would like to place the focus on Israel and praying for her peace.

 As this becomes a weekly tradition here on my blog, I want to study, meditate on and read some commentaries on these verses.

 I read just a little bit this morning and I realize I have a lot to learn.

 But I don't think we can go wrong just to take the scriptures at face value--so, for now, I will do just that.

I also wanted to include one other country each week to pray for--This week my heart is especially connected to South Korea.

We come before you today to ask your blessings on Jerusalem and all of Israel.
We pray that in the days ahead you will burden our hearts more and more for Israel and teach us how to pray. 
In your Word we are told to pray for the peace of Israel and we know that you are peace--the only true peace comes from you-- 
We pray that you would protect Israel from those who would want to destroy her, who would want this country wiped from the face of the map.
When her enemies stretch forth their bows, may their arrows fall short--
And not only that, Lord, but that her enemies would have miraculous encounters with you--we pray that You would make Yourself real to them in visions and dreams, in encounters that we cannot even imagine.
And South Korea, Lord, please bless South Korea today.  Let your blessings flow unbounded, may many come to know You, even today.  
Thank you so much for the readers of this blog from that part of the world.  Be gracious and compassionate towards them, Lord, and enrich their lives abundantly. 
 Thank you for the power of prayer.
All things we ask in the name of Jesus,


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