Sunday, November 29, 2020

Born To Set Thy People Free

December 2
Born To Set Thy People Free

(written in 2020)

The words to this song!  Charles Wesley covered all the bases in the lyrics to this highly favored old Christmas song.

But sometimes we just don't get it! God wants us to be free! Galatians 5:1 says "It is for freedom that I have set you free." 

 Amazing, isn't it that God has to be redundant to get us to get it! And then sometimes we don't.  In our humans, we might be tempted at times to step in with a stick of dynamite to get our attention  BUT the Holy Spirit is a gentlemen and doesn't do that.  Most of the time He speaks in gentle whispers I think.

1 Kings 19:11-12 (hover to see scripture)

 It may not be the best analogy but the last year of COVID quarantining has made freedom so much more meaningful. There are many of us who have had to quarantine for 14 days or so if we have been near someone who got COVID. 

 Many of us have severely curtailed the activities of our lives in order to make the world a little bit safer place--to somehow be "free" of this virus that has devastated our planet.

But the freedom of the immortal spirit is what God wants for us.  

John 8:32

The truth shall set you free.  Jesus says that He Himself is the Way, The Truth, and The Life.

It doesn't seem logical to me to accept part of what He says and not all of it.  Some religions say they believe that Jesus was a great prophet but not the Messiah and the One and Only True Way to the Father.

 Was He a pathological liar or God come in the flesh.  In faith I believe that He is Who He said He is.  Would a great prophet deliberately lie?  I think not!

So, friend, today, let's wait with hope for this baby turned King who makes it very clear that freedom is what He wants for us. 

A bit of trivia--Did you know that Charles Wesley, the writer of the lyrics of this song, wrote over 6500 hymns and was one of 18 children.  He was also the younger brother of John Wesley.



Today, my friend, I pray that you are free.  John Piper says that he believes only Christians can truly be free, and I agree with him.  

I am including a link below to tell you how to accept this precious babe, born in a manger, babe yet God.  No words came from that tiny baby's mouth, but the very breath of Him had flung planets all across the starry skies.

And now He used one of the very things He created to announce His birth, a brilliant star that led the way to the place of His birth in a lowly manger in Bethlehem--God come in the flesh as Jesus!

These words do not make sense to one who has not experienced God but once you choose to make the decision to use the gift of faith that He has given you, it bears witness to your spirit.

You may not be able to explain it all yet, but in your spirit you KNOW that it is true.

Oh, I am getting so excited just telling you about Him.  The anticipation swells as my heart prepares to accept Him all over again.

Won't you accept Him also?  And welcome Him into this enslaved world.  He is the only one Who can make living here a true event of freedom.

I invite you to spend time worshipping Him today.

Sing together with me and all the angels and mighty hosts of heaven--
Come Thou Long Expected Jesus

Born to Set Thy People Free!


I love hearing from you. Email address can be accessed in right hand column.