Friday, July 26, 2024

They Picked My Flowers

Last night I had a vision--what exactly is a vision--let's see if this qualifies.

I have Covid.  I could not sleep.  I was lying in bed wide awake.  My eyes were wide open.  I was talking to myself to make sure that what I was seeing was real and that I was not dreaming that I was having a vision.

I was in my home--not the home I live in now--not in any home I have ever lived in--but I knew I was at home--I was comfortable--I was looking out the window.

In vivid colors I saw females from every age group, (except children), nationality, and color--They were not really in single file but gave that appearance at times--they were walking slowly by my house picking my beautiful flowers as they passed and putting them either in baskets or in the aprons of their skirts.

There was one lone male, an older man, on a path above them, pushing a cart--I am pretty sure that it was already filled with flowers.  He didn't need to pick mine.   

This was so real--it was like I was experiencing two realities at the same time--something I had never even thought of--let along imagined--the lying there in the bed talking to myself and watching a sampling of the world's women walk past my house pausing ever so slightly at times to pick some of my flowers--

Was this just happenstance or did this happen for a reason?

I tried to analyze--

I kept a blog for years--I am old now--will be 80 in a few short weeks--what do I have left to offer the world?  Anything?  A lot?  Something??

Dreams and visions are all through the Bible?  Why do we have such a hard time accepting that they can be messages from God?

I am praying about this dream vision!  For now, I am interpreting it to mean that I should share my flowers with you--petals of spiritual wisdom that I have learned the hard way too many times--times when I did not obey immediately--and they say to delay obedience is to be disobedient.  Lord, forgive me.  I am still learning at 80.

And what about the man pushing the cart above the path the women were on?  Did He have everything they needed in that one cart?