Wednesday, May 26, 2010

insecurities anyone?


Just for the record I will be the first to admit that I have some insecurities but thank God not nearly as many as I did once upon a time but more than I thought I did last week.

I'll try to explain why I am admitting to this. I was reading a blog--don't know whose, don't know the web address--I wish I did, I would love to give credit where credit is due. But, anyway, this gal (and I am very loosely paraphrasing her) said that she had always wanted to be an artist and she just found out she was one.

She was reading Beth Moore's new book, So Long, Insecurity, and came upon this statement. "Insecurity's best cover is perfectionism. That's where it becomes an art form." (italics mine)

This particular blogger was referring to her own extreme housekeeping, especially when expecting company--she has that down to an art form. She found out and now admits to being an artist. That got my attention--perfectionism coupled with the housekeeping. I figured I better read the book. I think I had it downloaded to my Kindle in less than 60 seconds.

Beth also says in the book, "Some of us never seek healing from God for our insecurities because we feel like we don't fit the profile. We think insecurity only looks one way--mousy, maybe even inept--and that's not exactly who we see in the mirror. At least not once the mascara's on. And it certainly is not the woman we present to the public. Security's best cover is perfectionism. That's when it becomes an art form."

I can't tell you how many times I haven't had people over because I didn't have time to clean the house. Okay, there, I have admitted a big one of mine and I recognized many others while reading the book.

Here is something a little funny about my blog. (This happened when I first started my blog and didn't know very much about posting) I guess the same is true for the blog as for my housekeeping--I want it to look perfect--although I mess with it a lot and have a lot of fun with blog design so I keep it messed up a good part of the time--anyway, I took a picture of some vases, etc. on my mantle not realizing while looking through the camera lens that the mantle had not been dusted in weeks--I placed that picture on a POST, just messing around and posted a TEST POST. After it posted okay and I was sure everything was working correctly, I deleted the test post. BUT MUCH TO MY DISMAY, when I added the Link Within feature at the bottom of each post, up came that picture of my filthy mantle and the title TEST POST. I was mortified!

I have tried everything to get rid of it because I didn't want people to see it and see my lack of housekeeping prowess. I have deleted the Link Within feature several times and re-added it and even though that particular post has been deleted, it keeps coming up. Serves me right for this stinking pride.

As far as not seeking healing for insecurites, I really don't think that you have to know and recognize every one of your faults before you can seek healing for them, although it helps and ignorance is not a good excuse. We should examine ourselves but rather than spend inordinate amounts of time on that, I had rather focus on the true perfection of God.

I am not, in any way, suggesting that we not try to pinpoint and highlight our weaknesses so that we seek redemption and restoration. What I am saying is that I have spent more time, at times, reading books trying to figure out what is wrong than I have spent reading God's Word. For me that does not work.

One reason I read the Bible every day is seeking just that--healing and restoration from my sinful ways--renewing of my mind because I truly believe that God's Word is the only way for our minds to be truly renewed--God's cleansing Word.

Jesus tells his disciples in John 15 when He is discussing pruning that they (his followers) are clean because of His Word.

You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. John 15:3

For years, one of my main goals each day when I read God's Word is for renewing of my mind. I know that I will not know how to handle each day's problems nor have the power to use the knowledge I possess unless I partake of my sustenance, my daily bread. God makes it clear with the manna that fell in the desert and rotted after the first day, that daily bread is crucial, after all, that is a focal point of the Lord's prayer,-- "Give me this day, my daily bread."

While on the subject of reading the Bible every day, I will expound just a little on my other reasons. One is that I want to be healthy and have strong bones and the Bible in Proverbs 3 advises us to pay attention to God's laws and obey His commandments. That coupled with some other great words of wisdom will result in this:

8 This will bring health to your body
and nourishment to your bones.

It give life to the bones--selfish reason,-- maybe, but I believe it passes God's inspection for a good reason to read it. Why else would He make sure He tells us that information?

And the other reason is that I love the relationship it builds between me and my God. When my husband and I were apart while dating I read and reread every letter he wrote to me many, many times and on a daily basis. I don't think I skipped a day of reading his declarations of love for me.

Back to the insecurities--A few years ago, I heard a youth minister say that he was the most "insecure, prideful person" he had ever known, referring to himself.

Isn't that just like satan to take arrows from the same quiver, one calligraphed on its shaft with the word, "Insecurities," shoot it at us, then quickly grab another arrow labeled "pride" and come right behind with what seems like a fatal shot to the heart.

When we know his tactics, recognize our own tendencies for certain sins, and are daily saturated in His Word, then we are forearmed. And what are we forearmed with? I love the scripture from Romans that speaks of our "armor of light."

This knowledge wrapped in the mighty presence of the Holy Spirit becomes our armor of light. Think about it--the brightest light you've ever seen-- or how laser light can absolutely obliterate certain tumors, etc. Satan is blinded by this light and his desperate arrows cannot reach our most vulnerable spots when we are covered in this Holy Light.

Precious Ones, a few years ago when I was doing some research on freelance Christian writing, I came upon lots of articles containing this advice. "Do not be preachy or come down too hard in your writings." I think there is a lot of wise advice in that statement but if I seem to preach reading the Bible daily too much or too hard, I can't apologize. It is the breath of my life and the only reason I have survived. I cannot apologize for advising daily partaking of this life-giving Word just as I would not apologize for advising you to eat a healthy diet of good food every day.

This Word, this daily Word, is the only thing I know that is total TRUTH, and will NOT in any way disappoint when taken with an open, loving mind and attitude toward Christ. In my beliefs about His Word, I have no insecurities.

I long to be covered in this armor of light at all times.

Art: My awesome artist friend, Angie (oh, my goodness, she deserves a post of her own-) painted this on a greeting card she sent to me a number of years ago. I thought it fit so well with the post--the light and the beautifully set table symbolizing the housekeeping--Thanks, dear Angie, I love you so.