Thursday, February 18, 2016

Lent Day 9 Our Ministry to God

Did you ever wonder why your ministry to others seems dead and of no consequence at times?

I know I have--and I've been acutely aware of my writings not having the anointing and influence that they once had.

I tell you what I think it is--I think for me, at least, that I became so consumed with producing a good product in the form of writings for my posts, pleasing photographs, art that inspires, etc., that I let my own personal ministry in the inner courts suffer.

Oh yes, I have always had my Bible readings each day--but how much time have I spent in Inner Court Ministry--'alone' with God ministering to Him--reading to Him, singing to Him, talking to Him, listening to Him--just casual--nothing formal--similar to how I would try to develop a relationship with a friend.

If you are wondering what I mean by this Inner Court Ministry--then you will want to read this.  Sylvia Gunter's incredible writings changed my life in the 1990's.

Each one of her topics in her book Prayer Portions represent hours and hours of time spent alone with God--seeking Him and His wisdom, worshipping Him, ministering to Him.

It seems that every decade God has led me to great inspirational writers--writers that had spent their time alone with God--who had paid the price in the inner courts so that their ministry in the "outer" courts could be effective and life-changing.

After all why come here to this blog and spend your valuable time reading my words unless they make a difference in your life?

Some of the writers God has led me to study are:

--Andrew Murray, Oswald Chambers, Charles Spurgeon, Catherine Marshall, Elisabeth Elliott, Beth Moore, and of course, Sylvia Gunter.

I do pray that you will read the link above and I pray that it will make a difference in your life today.

After all, isn't Lent the time we want to prepare a house for God to dwell in?

If you are following along with the Redeemer Lent readings, here is the link--

Ministry that has been anointed with His presence has transforming power in other lives.--Sylvia Gunter



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