A couple of months ago, in early spring when the trees were just starting to bud, I was lying in the hammock looking at the beautiful expanse of sky all around me. We have some rather tall trees in our backyard and as I looked I noticed one leaf very high up in a tree.
The next day it was still there and the next and the next week. In fact, it hung on so long for dear life that it was finally enveloped by the growth of this year's leaves.
I like to live in a frame of mind so that I can take even the smallest incidents or events and apply them to my Christian walk hoping to glean something from the day, to grow to be a better person and Christian along this journey.
I asked God to show me any areas where I was "hanging on"--where I was in danger of being engulfed by new growth that would leave me far behind. I have found in my life that anytime I am wanting to grow and willing to look deep in my heart for areas God would like to purge, He is ready, willing and quite able to point out areas of improvement to me.
It is my desire to grow in Him, to not "hang on" to the things of this life and this world that would hinder that growth. And sometimes we hang on to good things, when God would like to bless us with the best things.
Oh, Lord, release the clutching of my hand for the good things and may I reach out to You for the very best that you desire to give me--things that will enable me to serve and minister for Your Kingdom in a more Godly way that will impact eternity.
Isaiah 43:19
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the desert
and streams in the wasteland.
I long to let go of the old and embrace the new things that our Lord, the Ancient of Days, longs to accomplish in me. He is not the new, but He does do new things from time to time and I long to be open to them.