When I taught creative writing, there was one assignment I would give my students that brought some hilarious, touching, tender, amusing, "you name it" results. It was called
"I opened _______________, and found ______________."
The student had to fill in each blank and the word in the second blank was taken to the next line and OPENED.
So here is my "I Opened, I Found" poem for you.
I opened Windows and found a new "thang" called Blogger. (a few years ago)
I opened Blogger and found a new language.
I opened a new language and found posting.
I opened posting and settings.
I opened settings and found design.
I opened design and found HTML.
I opened HTML and found a foreign language.
I opened a foreign language and found people from around the world.
I opened people from around the world and found true friendship.
I opened true friendship and found YOU!
I opened you and found love.
Just a little thank you to all my lovely blogging friends. I love you!
Once when I assigned this many years ago to a third grade student, she rebelled--said she was NOT going to do it. I told her she did not have a choice, she had to do it. Yea, you can tell I'm from the old school. ha
After rolling the eyes, huffing and puffing for several minutes she handed me something very similar to this:
I opened something and found nothing,
I opened nothing and found anything,
I opened anything and found something,
I opened something and found nothing.
Well, it might have made some teachers mad but I laughed so hard, told her how creative she was, gave her an A, and she was a happy camper. If I remember correctly, I think she was going through a really bad experience at the time--like a divorce in the family.
2010-the Year of Longing
He longs for us to open all He has prepared for us.
I long to open the windows of His heavenly blessings.
Photo: Dining room window of a friend's house in Dallas--yes, people do think I am crazy snapping pictures of windows and such--it's a good thing I never let that bother me. I guess cause I know it's true! Jerry and Jane, in case you don't recognize it, this is your daughter's window.