Renewal Ranch, the faith-based addiction recovery program for men, held a graduation ceremony for four students at Family Life Bible Church on Saturday. The graduates have all spent the last six months recovering from drug and alcohol addictions at a facility that offers spiritual approaches to recovery. Charles Washington, a member of the graduating class was displaced to the Conway area during Hurricane Katrina and had started drinking at the age of nine. He credits the program and his faith in God for the transformation he has been able to make in his life. “I always started something but I never finished any of it until today,” he said. “I finished the race but for the grace of God.” Pictured, from left, are executive director of the program, James Loy, Shepherd Palmer, Atlas Stavely, Michael Taylor and Washington. CANDIE BECK PHOTO
Here is just a small glimpse of four of our precious men who graduated on Saturday. I will have more pictures later this week.
Charles (on the far right) surprised our family by attending church with us this morning. He brought his beautiful fiance, Shannon.
Our hearts are full to overflowing. Thank you, Lord!