Sunday, January 26, 2014

My Favorite Blessing From Last Week

This is really crazy trying to choose a favorite blessing from last week.

I mean, really--wouldn't I have to say that salvation was my very favorite.  I think so--but if I chose that one then I would have to choose that one every week, right?

So, all of the obvious ones aside, I have chosen the 3rd Annual Anniversary Celebration of Renewal Ranch as my favorite.

Renewal Ranch is a residential home for men with drug/alcohol addictions.  There is no cost to the resident--Jesus paid the price.  You can read more about it here.

What a glorious time we had at Saturday morning's jubilate service--how do you possibly celebrate the new life given to 60 men over the past three years, 70% of whom are holding fast to their commitments.

Here is just a small glimpse--

When the guys come to us, they say themselves that they are a menace to society, selfish and irresponsible.

Here they are singing to the leadership, supporters, teachers, mentors and volunteers--Thank You For Giving to the Lord--

Several men come each week to our chapel service on Saturday in desperate hope of securing lodging and rehabilitation at Renewal Ranch.  Here are our current residents and graduates praying over several guys who had the guts to come forward admitting that they cannot do this alone.

I always love seeing their cardboard testimonies.  It never gets old to me.

That was my highlight blessing for the week.

I do want to be thankful for all things that come into my life, even the trials and tribulations.

We are to count it all joy the Bible says.

And something that may seem bad at the time to us may be what God uses to save our lives and those of our families.

Just think what would have happened to Joseph if his brothers had not sold him into slavery.
Genesis 50:20 says:

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.

So thank you, Lord, for all.  I love you.

©All art, photographs and text property of Elizabeth Dianne unless otherwise notes, 2008-2014, all rights reserved.