I received a call about noon the day of the banquet.
"Hey, Mom, can you do some art this afternoon?"
Well, it wasn't exactly art or calligraphy but Jeff swung by the house, showed me what he wanted on the first basketball and left me with seven balls to get lettered and delivered to the school by 3:30. Things haven't changed much over the last 40 years or so.
After honoring the swim team and all of the middle school basketball teams (girls and boys), it was time to honor our beloved senior high boys' team. Here Jeff speaks to everyone about their incredible accomplishments over the past four years. They won district and regional conferences this year, State tournament champions last year, and district and regional the year before that. Since they were in 9th grade, they haven't lost a game at home.
Jeff introduces the team.
Our precious Kendall, the only junior on the team. Kinda sad that he will be the only senior on the team next year.
Matt, Daniel, Kendall, Logan, and D.C.
Kendall, Josh, Jeff, Chris, D.C., Daniel and Matt.
Jeff with some of the guys: Logan, Kendall, Josh, Chris, D.C. Daniel and Matt.
And the surprise of the evening, our precious Caroline, who is in 7th grade and played up on the 9th grade basketball team, won the Eagle Award. We were all in shock--for a 9th grade team to honor a 7th grader like that is almost unheard of. Congratulations, Caroline--that is quite an honor. We are so proud of you.
Caroline accepting the award.
Mimi makes Caroline get her picture taken with her medal.
A note of apology to Michael who coaches the 8th grade girls' team and is assistant coach to the high school girl's team--I don't know why I didn't get any pictures. Please forgive me. I'll make it up to you. smile