Not everyone requires an orderly environment to function well, but for me, I seem to function better as a wife, mother, and friend if my house is in order. When it isn't, my stomach tends to feel like the picture above. I am not proud of that--just trying to be real here.
My main goal was to always spend time with God first so for many years when my kids were smaller, and then when they were older and I was teaching school, I set my alarm so I could get a head start on the day with devotionals first.
After that, I always felt that the day was a success even if I didn't always accomplish all that I wanted or needed to.
After several years of staying home with the boys, I taught school and was home in the summer with them. Most of the time, we did not play until we had all the household chores done. So we would work like crazy (all four of us) to get all the dusting, vacuuming, picking up, laundry, etc. done so that we could spend our afternoons swimming or playing.
Of course, my grown sons now refer to their childhood as Mom's boot camp. LOL
When they were smaller, one of my main objectives was to keep their toys organized. If their legos, Lincoln logs, etc. were all in the proper containers and sorted, they wanted to play with them more.
Because they would sit in the floor and play for long periods of time with these organized toys, that really helped me get my work accomplished. I found that this was a crucial piece of the puzzle for me.
I played a lot of games with myself to help me get things done--
For instance, when I was so tired and felt as though I could not clean up the kitchen or some other dreaded chore, I would set the timer on the stove for five minutes. My thinking was, "I can do anything for five minutes. When the buzzer goes off, I'll take a break."
Almost always, I had most of it done or had the energy to set the timer for five more minutes. And I played that game with myself over and over.
I also had little stickie notes with CAYG here and there--CLEAN AS YOU GO! Some people (like my husband, the engineer) just do this naturally but for me it was always a constant struggle. I would find things all over the house where I laid them down and didn't have a clue when or how. I still fight this tendency.
Another little thing I did was use this quote:
"Beginning is getting half the job done." There is no way I can count all the times that I have whispered that quote to myself. And it is so true. Just begin!!
And I don't want to leave this one out:
Throw away or file at least five to ten pieces of paper a day. If you do this faithfully five days a week, that is about 2500 pieces of paper a year that you don't have to worry about.
I hope these few little suggestions will help a little.
All you mothers who hold down full-time jobs (with no summers off) or homeschool, or have children or situations with very special needs, I can't even imagine how you do all that you do. I admire you so much.
And if you are one of those people who don't need an orderly environment to function well, I admire that also. Looking back, I wish I had spent less time cleaning house and more time sitting in the floor playing legos with those precious sons.
And remember, everyone is different. So, don't worry about doing it the way I did it or the way Kelly does it or your next-door neighbor. Big deal. Be encouraged. You were created fearfully and wonderfully by our mighty God--we all have different gifts and talents--ask God for wisdom to know how to set your house in order. He gives freely to those who ask. And He is the great teacher.
2010-the Year of Longings
I long to write something that would bless or help you today.
share your heart?
I am linking to Kelly today. Go to her site to read other cleaning tips.