i can't believe i ate the whole thing!
Did you ever make a mud pie when you were little?
Looking back I wonder what was so intriging about them.
True, we got to play in water;
true, we got to play in some dirt;
true, they did look amazingly like my grandmother's pies except mine were little individual pies.
Sadly we couldn't partake of their delectable goodness.
Speaking of my grandmother's pies brings to mind this little incident that has been told on my Aunt Frances.
I think she was about 7 or 8 years old when this happened.
It seems that my grandmother had just baked two of her out of this world, creamy, flaky-crusted, heavenly (I hope you are getting the picture here) chocolate pies and set them in the window sill to cool AFTER reminding everybody to stay out of them and not touch them until suppertime. (Well, that's what it was called back then.)
My aunt, being overcome with the temptation of it all, proceeded to consume a piece of one of the pies.
Knowing that she would get in big trouble if her mom noticed that a piece was gone from one of them, she continued in her folly and ate the whole pie, thinking all the while that my grandmother might not notice--if the whole pie wasn't there and a tell-tale piece missing.
Remember reading this verse? Prov 17:12
Better to meet a bear robbed of her cubs than a fool in his folly.
When my grandmother discovered that missing pie, whooeee, I bet she was every bit as ferocious as that bear mentioned above and I bet my aunt wished she had never given in to such folly.
Well, that is a humorous little story looking back but the verse is good for today.
Every time I read that verse, it really makes me stop and take inventory of my life and my priorities and what I am "going after" today.
If I am "bent" on something that is "folly," the people I come in contact with today might as well be in a remote section of Yellowstone meeting up with that she-bear.
Lord, help them.
And help me and save me from myself.
Oh, by the way, I was reading this morning where Jesus made mud pies.
11 He replied, "The man they call Jesus made some mud and put it on my eyes. He told me to go to Siloam and wash. So I went and washed, and then I could see." John 9:11
I've heard it said that His mud pies were simply divine.
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© all photographs and text property of Dianne Hogue unless otherwise noted
a repost from 2009 pages