Sunday, December 27, 2009

Happy Birthday, Dree!

God has blessed me with three wonderful daughters-in-law. I love how they love my sons. Not only do I love that, I love the people they are.

Dree (short for An-dre-a) is only 32 years old but has accomplished so much in her short life span (which she reminds all of us constantly--she is the youngest of the older two generations--smile). She loves to garden and to cook. She is a great wife to my son, an awesome home-schooling mom, is the director of one of the local Classical Conversations of Tulsa, Oklahoma and has been published in a couple of books. I am sharing one of those stories further down in the post.

This is a very short clip of Dree at their Classical Conversations home-schooling Christmas program a oouple of weeks ago. It gives you an idea of her tremendous heart for God.

Untitled from Elizabeth Dianne on Vimeo.




Ashton, Chris, Dree and Noelle shortly after Noelle's birth in 2004.

This is an article published in this book: Graffiti



I give God all the glory for these beautiful daughters-in-law. "For these I prayed and He heard my prayer." I did not deserve to be blessed like this. It is another example of God's extreme grace and mercy.
Happy birthday with grateful love,