Have you ever had that happen to you? You get your children to write down all their fondest dreams and wishes for Christmas and then they spring something on you at the last minute when there is no time, no money, no energy left to do more shopping.
My son went looking for a princess hat and had no luck. We are supposing that she is referring to some type of tiara but we really don't know for sure. And you don't want to ask too many questions right here close to Christmas Eve, --just might give away our big secret.
I did find a cheap little "princess hat" at a local mart and I did purchase it but I found myself thinking, "I would love to buy her a real tiara--one that real princesses wear." Of course, that is totally ludicrous and I would never do that but it didn't stop the thoughts from flowing.
The grandparent in me thought her request and phrasing was so cute but my mind couldn't help but go to "my princess hat." Am I wearing my hat or am I acting like a pauper's kid? Am I rejoicing in my daily status of being a daughter of the king? Is my Father tired of taking care of me and meeting my every need and many of my wants or does He have everything in hand? Is He an on-time God or has He run out of time and resources and energy for me?
I pray that whether your Christmas includes lots of presents or just very meager ones, real china or paper plates, a lavish decorator tree as my husband refers to them or a simple little Charlie Brown tree,--I pray that you will choose to trust in the Christ of Christmas so that you too can celebrate this holiday as it was meant to be celebrated--embracing the One who was born in a stable because there was no room for Him in the inn, giving your life to serve the One who gave His life for you and for me, and thankfulness for your tiara, your crown, --the one that you will someday gladly lay at the feet of Jesus, and declare with the tribes of many nations and with the Heavenly Hosts--"Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty."
Here is a humble suggestion for a simple prayer you can pray if you find yourself longing to know this child-man-Savior-King in a more intimate way.
Heavenly Father,
I realize that I need you--that we are all lost without you. I also realize that even faith is a gift, a gift that you said you would give us. I ask now for the faith to believe that Jesus Christ is your only begotten Son, that He came to earth, lived a perfect life, died on the cross to redeem me from my lostness, and rose from the dead on the third day.
Even though I may not understand everything, I choose to believe and trust that you have done this for me. I choose to take a step of faith. I ask You to come into my heart, to cleanse me from all my sin and prepare me to spend eternity with You.
I ask that you would lead me to the right people--people who will help guide me to a church where I can worship with other believers and grow as You would have me to. Show me my talents and gifts that you want me to use to help others.
Thank you for hearing this simple prayer. Thank you for cleansing me. Thank you that the most meaningful Christmas ever is just about to happen.
In Jesus name,
Please feel free to email me if you would like. I will be glad to TRY to help you locate a church in your area that teaches the Bible, and loves to reach out to help a lost and dying world. If I can be of service to you, please feel free to contact me at the email provided in my sidebar.