Friday, April 2, 2010

Weekend Worship From Paintrock to Paris


From Paintrock Church


which is not too far from


yea! you got it! Chigger Valley Road and well, I forgot what the name of the other road was--but, for all you Yankees who don't know what a chigger is--anyway, it is just a fancy name for a redbug. Have you ever heard of Bear Bryant, the legendary football coach from Alabammy? (My dad always said Alabammy--why is it I am starting to say more and more things that my parents said??) Bear is from Fordyce, Arkansas and their mascot is the Redbug. Don't believe me, check it out right here. And considering some of the bouts I've suffered from chiggers in Arkansas as a child, I was scared to drive down this road.


pardon me, I got sidetracked just a little...........


to every chapel in the woods



to every Greek Orthodox church


to every Bible church


to every Lutheran gathering


to every Methodist group of believers


to every Rose Window from Little Rock


to Notre Dame in Paris



to the incredible Sacre Coeur, not very near Chigger Valley Road but very near the Champs-Elysees, one of the most famous streets in the world, may the glorious Name of the Lord be praised and may all hands, hearts, voices, and crosses all over our planet point skyward in honor of our resurrected Lord on this beautiful Easter weekend. And to Him be all praise forever and ever. Amen and amen.

I have been blessed to stand on the grounds of each of these churches, great and small, and while the architecture and history of some are quite remarkable, the presence of God is everywhere, and He is no respecter of persons. great or small.

Photos of Notre Dame and Sacre Coeur courtesy of my long-time friend, Rebecca.

If I left your denomination out, I'm sorry. I left mine out also--the one I grew up in and the one I have attended for all my married years.