Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dances With Wildflowers!

Early this morning I read this scripture:

You did it! You turned wild lament into whirling dance;

You ripped off my black mourning band and decked me with wildflowers.

I'm about to burst with song; I can't keep quiet about You.

God, my God, I can't thank You enough. Psalm 30:11-12

Oh, my friend, this verse tells just a little of what was in many hearts today. There is so much to share that I honestly do not know where to begin. But I will try.

For my husband and me, this story began about ten years ago when our oldest son introduced us to James, a friend he had met at church. I can't begin to tell you what a handsome, intelligent, personable young man James was. The only thing, he had become consumed with drug addiction. I am so anxious for you to know his story and hopefully one day I will be able to post the whole thing.

When we met him, we learned of his plight--of his loss of both parents as a teenager--our hearts broke for him--We were living in Tulsa at the time and he was living in central Arkansas--part of the time with our son and his wife. We pledged our prayers to him and tried to help him as much as we could. But James was not ready yet to make the change in his life.

About five years after we met James, he went to John 3:16 in Charlotte, AR--a free faith-based drug and alcohol rehabilitation center. There he got his life back together and rededicated himself to God.

Before James went to John 3:16, a local preacher, Dr. Larry Pillow, tried to help him get drug free.  Larry had lost an adult son to a drug overdose and wanted so much to help other young men not go down the path his son had traveled.

After James got his life back together he called Dr. Pillow and told him about the success he had there. Dr. Pillow went to visit the facility in Charlotte and became consumed with the desire to start a similar facility here patterned after John 3:16.

To try to condense it somewhat, I will say through a long, long process, the vision was born--James and his wife, Laura (in the meantime he had met a beautiful young woman and gotten married) moved to Conway, God moved on the hearts of people to donate endless time, energy and money to make Renewal Ranch a reality.

We opened the facility today. It is free for the participants. Jesus paid the price. All they have to be concerned about is believing God's Word and acting upon it.

Today we had a huge celebration at one of the local churches of Conway, James' home church. We had an absolutely awesome service and sermon about Jesus' ministry of healing and meeting people's needs right where they are.

All of the nine men and their families came. The church fed us and then we went out to Renewal Ranch to help get the guys moved in.

One of the participants, Charles, is from New Orleans. As I was talking to him and asking him about Hurricane Katrina, I learned that he had been one of those housed in the Superdome. We all know of the horror that happened there. That is Charles in the picture above. No wonder he felt like rejoicing--to know that he is embarking upon an experience that will change him and his life forever.

(I know you understand that I wanted to protect the men's privacy--in six months or so I'm sure they will be shouting it from the rooftops but that should be their choice and their prerogative. )
(God provided an incredible bunkhouse for these men)

That is what God wants to do for all of us--for all of these nine men. As I talked to the parents, families and friends of these men and saw eye after eye well with tears and heard the emotion-choked voices of loved ones with new-found hope, it was almost more than my heart could contain.

I felt as though I was in a meadow, singing at the top of my lungs bedecked in the most beautiful wildflowers ever created. So once again I must say:

You did it! You turned wild lament into whirling dance;

You ripped off my black mourning band and decked me with wildflowers.

I'm about to burst with song; I can't keep quiet about You.

God, my God, I can't thank You enough. Psalm 30:11-12

and I am dancing with wildflowers!

Loving you,
2011-the Year of Beyond

The name of the facility is Renewal Ranch of Conway, Arkansas.  If you have a friend or relative who would be interested in this program, you can email me at the contact information on the navigation bar under the header and I will get you connected to the people you need to talk to.

James Loy, Director
Dr. Larry Pillow, Chaplain

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Good News!

I am so sorry that it has taken me so long to post.  There is a lot going on here.

Not the least of which is:  Renewal Ranch Opens This Weekend

Remember the Strong Box post??

It has become a reality.  The guys are here and moving in and we are giving them

 their strong boxes.

When my husband brought home the Bibles with their names on them the other day,

 I just started sobbing when I ran my hand across their names.  Finally, we were

dealing with real people not just a mirage off in the distance.

(Getting their boxes ready)

So we are really busy with this awesome venture but I will have a post

early next week showing you pictures of the Ranch.

Thank you for your patience with me as I am trying to find my way

again with this blog and what God wants it to be.


This is a copy of the letter included in their strong boxes--Please feel free to adapt it to use for anyone for whom you would like to provide a strong box.


As some of the Renewal Ranch team members were discussing some items that needed to be provided for you to make this venture successful, the topic of a good Bible and Bible study books was mentioned. My mind went back some years to a trend among women who were trying to be faithful to a daily devotional time with God. The trend was Quiet Time baskets.

In them the seeker would place whatever books and utensils were important to her for a prosperous daily quiet time: a Bible, journal, pens, pencils, high-lighters, devotional book, current book she was reading, etc.

We all agreed that the men would need most of these same items.  But we immediately agreed that we should not put them in a basket. My husband suggested a box and we all thought that was a good idea. 

This thought became heavy on my mind. Later on that evening, the thought came to me: "My dad had what he called his "strong box." Many times I heard him say to one of us kids, "Bring me my strong box." That was where he kept his valuables. Now mind you, this box was not very big because we did not have very many valuables--maybe marriage license, birth certificates, army papers, that sort of thing. It was strong, metal and fireproof--his strong box.

Oh, wow! the light bulb went off--We could give you guys "strong boxes." The implications were myriad. It would contain all the items you would use in your time at the Ranch to become strong. It would leave with you when you graduate as a reminder of all the items God used in your life to help you become successful in this program.  It would also serve as a place to store your future valuables--home deeds,  marriage licenses, birth certificates, spiritual birth certificates--and serve to remind you that we have faith in God to bring you to a place of stability and strength in Him.

I couldn't tell you how many years it's been since I thought of Daddy's strong box. That God would place that thought in my mind was just another reminder of how much God loves you and the other men whom Renewal Ranch will have the privilege and responsibility of ministering to. He even cares what we name your boxes.

This will not be an easy road that you are going to travel.  You will experience times of doubt, distress, discouragement and disappointment.  It is at these very moments that we hope you will reach to your strong box and know that myriad people have loved you, have worked tireless and selfless hours so that you would know you are loved and cared for.  But far beyond that—you would reach to it knowing it contains everything you will ever need in this life—The Very Word of God--the Bible!

It is our hope that this strong box will be your own personal reminder of the Only reason why any of us are strong or stable—Our Mighty God, our strong Savior, who stands ready and willing to help you draw strength from Him, to grow into strong and mighty men of valor and of God.

My brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Ephesians 6:10

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Taking a Step Back

Hey friends,

At least for a while I am taking a step back from my blog. As answers become more clear to me and God allows, I will be sharing what I feel He is laying on my heart. I am going to try to keep up Weekend Worship and maybe one or two other posts a week unless His Spirit directs me differently one way or the other.

     So sorry for such a delay in relating to you my intentions. I wrote most of this post a few days ago but wanted to be sure before I posted it.

     Shortly after I posted a week ago last Monday that I was taking a break, I became very ill and battled that for almost a week.  It was the sickest I've been in many, many years.  It sure made me appreciate my health.

     To those of you (you know who you are) who have contacted me about health issues, you are in my prayers today.

     I do have a bit of good news that hopefully I can get ready to share this afternoon. Actually, it is more than a "bit."  I feel guilty for writing that.  It is miraculous. On second thought, I probably won't be able to get it ready for post until sometime tomorrow.

     And last but most importantly to dear Elizabeth over at "Just Following Jesus," I can so relate to her post today.  I was 52 when I lost my mother.  To suddenly be cast in the role of matriarch of the family while feeling like a little girl in a 52 year old body was a strange feeling.  Elizabeth, you are in our thoughts and prayers.  We love you and know that God will lift you up and give you wings to soar in spite of your grief.

Thank you for your grace dear friends. I love you.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Taking a Break!

I will be taking a blogging break for the next week or so.  See you when I get back.  If you need me for anything, my contact information is on the sidebar.


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Buried to New Life

Refer to Oswald Chambers post for January 15--white funeral

the justaposition of buried and new life

Friday, January 14, 2011

Weekend Worship at Damascus, Arkansas

Remember the former things, those of long ago;
I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is none like me.

Isaiah 46:8

I make known the end from the beginning,
from ancient times, what is still to come.

Isaiah 46:9

I say, ‘My purpose will stand,
and I will do all that I please.’

Isaiah 46:10

Sing to God, you kingdoms of the earth,
sing praise to the Lord,

To him who rides across the highest heavens, the ancient heavens,
who thunders with mighty voice.
Proclaim the power of God,
whose majesty is over Israel,
whose power is in the heavens.

You, God, are awesome in your sanctuary;
the God of Israel gives power and strength to his people.

Praise be to God!

He stood, and shook the earth;
he looked, and made the nations tremble.
The ancient mountains crumbled
and the age-old hills collapsed—
but he marches on forever.

Habakkuk 3:6

I have revealed and saved and proclaimed—
I, and not some foreign god among you.
You are my witnesses,” declares the LORD, “that I am God.
Yes, and from ancient days I am he.
No one can deliver out of my hand.
When I act, who can reverse it?"

“In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man,
coming with the clouds of heaven. 
He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. 

I remember, LORD, your ancient laws,
and I find comfort in them. 

 Psalm 119:52

If you will notice in the scriptures above, there are many references to "ancient."  I chose those because the rock work on the church is made with natural Arkansas stone and very old.  I wanted the verses to reflect the character of the church which in turn hopefully reflects the character of our Mighty God.

I don't know why but my absolute favorite Name for the Lord is "Ancient of Days."  It always has been.
In this post, I was "Mrs. Ancient of Days."

I am linking to Spiritual Sundays.
All scripture is from the NIV

Hey dear friend, I have suspended comments on my blog for a season.

If you need to reach me, my contact information is listed on the sidebar.  I welcome hearing from you.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Simple Pleasure

Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. Psalm 34:8

My simple pleasure today was a just a little photography session in my kitchen. I grabbed three apples, a black turtleneck, some vegetable oil, a camera, a scripture off the wall and played.

I had fun trying to mimic some of the pretty food photographs I've seen online and playing with light and shadow.  Just a simple little thing but it brought a lot of pleasure.

I hope your day has included some simple pleasures.  Isn't it wonderful to serve a God who not only cares about our eternal destination but cares so profoundly about the little things in our lives that bring us so much joy.

All Glory to God,
2011-the Year of Living Beyond Myself

Calligraphy: The calligraphy in the last picture is the work of Michael Podesta. You can view his work here.

I am linking to Dayle and the others over at Simple Pleasures.  Won't you join us?

Project Simple Pleasures2


I was so saddened today when I was reading about a famous astrophysicist--He was asked if he believes in a higher power. His response was this:

"Every account of a higher power that I've seen described, of all religions that I've seen, include many statements with regard to the benevolence of that power. When I look at the universe and all the ways the universe wants to kill us, I find it hard to reconcile that with statements of beneficence." This is quoted from Wikipedia, which doesn't make it necessarily true but they are fairly reliable.

Now (imagine a Forrest Gump voice here), "I may not be a smart woman."

I'm not making fun, really I'm not--I just have to inject a little humor to keep from crying.

(Back to normal--whatever that is)

"but I am smart enough to know that if the universe wants to kills us as bad as this man says it does and we are still alive and enjoying the simple pleasures of everyday life, someone must be looking out for us.  Someone so full of benevolence that He actually laid down His life so that we could take up ours."

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I Need to Sing with You

When I first saw this picture, a chord was struck in my soul. I didn't know what the melody was, I only knew it sounded faintly familiar but had been forgotten somewhere along the way.

As I continued to look on the beauty of this instrument, the old haunts and refrains of the verse seemed to penetrate the deepest abbeys of my being, and a kinship of memories refreshed brought back the old tune. It was then that the words became melody coupled with the harmony of your voice and I knew I needed to sing together with you the joys and arias of the Lord our God.

Me--I am singing of the joy of lifting my voice together with yours to praise our mighty God today.

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow,
2011-the year of Living Beyond Myself

Photo credits: When I went to China a few years ago, I sat beside a sweet couple from Minnesota who were on their way to Japan to visit the family of one of their former foreign exchange students. We only talked for a few hours but have remained friends ever since.

When I saw this picture on Facebook taken by a Chinese foreign exchange student of theirs (picture is my friend's mother-in-law's organ), it touched something deep inside me and I asked for permission to share it with you.

The warmth of the instrument plus the sunlight flooding over all gave me a sense of true peace and comfort as well as stirring a chorus of song from deep within.

I dedicate this picture to you. You, who make my soul sing each day, with just the joy of knowing that you care enough to drop by and read what God lays on my heart. I love you.

For a season I have suspended comments but I welcome emails if you would like to contact me.  Thanks for your understanding.   

Unfinished Melody

Will this work

Monday, January 10, 2011

monday warmth

Warm Greetings.   .   .   .   .

I am hoping and praying that this beautiful Monday morning finds you basking in the sunlight of our precious Lord.

It is my prayer that you will be encouraged and persevere in your quests to make this new year a great one, full of ambitions realized, dreams becoming substance and hopes fulfilled.

"We will never know the joy of a successful ending unless we've made the choice of a determined beginning."

The goal of living beyond myself is a constant challenge because my human nature wants to give in to all the "easy" outs. It is then I must remember to "walk in the Spirit" and let Jesus guide me because I cannot do this myself.

If I truly believe the scripture below, then I know there is nothing too difficult for our Lord--He can take someone like me and accomplish great things.

And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you. Romans 8:11

When I think of great things, I am always reminded of Mother Theresa 
and her quote which went something like this:  "We cannot do great things, only small things with great love."  Do you get the idea, as I do, that 
she truly had a handle on what life is all about?!

Today I am thanking God for fresh starts.  Even if I have already messed up the new year, today is the start of a new week, and every day is a new beginning in its own right.  And God's mercies begin afresh with me each day.  What a comforting thought.
We are more than conquerors through Him!

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 3:20,21

All glory to God,
2011-the Year of Living Beyond Myself

Just for a time, sweet friends, I am going to suspend comments. I am hoping and praying that I can be more genuine in my writings if I am not concerned about how people are going to react or if people are going to respond at all.

I welcome emails. I love to talk to you one on one.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Weekend Worship at Church of the Nazarene, Marshall, AR

Trust in the Lord and do good.
Then you will live safely in the land and prosper.
Take delight in the Lord,
and he will give you your heart’s desires.

Commit everything you do to the Lord.
Trust him, and he will help you.
He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn,
and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun.

The Lord directs the steps of the godly.
He delights in every detail of their lives.
Though they stumble, they will never fall,
for the Lord holds them by the hand.

Once I was young, and now I am old.
Yet I have never seen the godly abandoned
or their children begging for bread.

 Turn from evil and do good,
      and you will live in the land forever.
 For the Lord loves justice,
      and he will never abandon the godly.

The Lord rescues the godly;
he is their fortress in times of trouble.
The Lord helps them,
rescuing them from the wicked.
He saves them,
and they find shelter in him.

Trusting that your worship this weekend leads you to shelter in Him.

I am linking to Spiritual Sundays.  Won't you join us?

Scripture taken from the 37th chapter of Psalms--NLT

Thursday, January 6, 2011

There Won't Be a Picture With This One!

Well, (I know, a very deep subject but I promise this one is one of the shallowest you will ever read). So much so that you might as well (X) me out right now and be on your way.

But for the brave of heart who decide to stay, it went down this way:

A week or so before Christmas we had an unexpected visitor. In fact, in the four years that we've lived in this house, they had never darkened our door or our floor, or come to visit at all. At least as far as we knew.

One day I went bounding (well, that is a little strong for someone my age but they say that VERBS are what it's all about these days--in writing--you know, it used to be adjectives--well, anyway I have veered somewhat) out into the garage for some more Christmas decorations. Just as I opened the door from the laundry room into the garage, I see our visitor at breakneck speed, probably a millionth of a second, dash to hide from me.

Now I don't know about you but I am like my mother-in-law about this. She used to say and I quote, "I'd just as soon be shot as scared to death." Well, that was my exact sentiments at that moment. Why does something so tiny at breakneck speed, scared to death of me, scare me to death?

I promise I won't go into all the gory details of why I end up in a fetal position and sucking my thumb for weeks on end after an episode like this, but I blame it mainly on watching my mother "fight" with a broom what we called a wharf rat when I was little. It was in our kitchen and as big as a cat. My mom won--she has always been my heroine. A half century later I visited Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco and I can say those in California had no bragging rights over the one we encountered.

Anyway, I know you are just dying to know the "rest of the story."

Normally, during the winter, I don't make that many trips to the garage but during the weeks before Christmas with lots of baking (and the second refrigerator located there) and decorating, it seemed that every hour on the hour I was making a trip to the garage.

These times I wasn't bounding though. It was more like going to the garage door, knocking hard a few times and jiggling all the jingle bells on the door handle (making sure I gave him plenty of time to hide) and then making my appearance.

One day, my husband overhears all of the loud banging and clanging commotion, --I had just gotten out to the garage, over to the refrigerator (all the time with my little friend on my mind) when the door to the house suddenly opens and my husband says my name quite loudly. It scared me so badly that out from me erupts this other-world gutteral "What?" at the top of my leathered lungs, which scared him to death.

Then I got tickled and had to pick myself up off the garage floor from laughing so hard at the both of us.

But yesterday took the cake.

I needed to make a quick trip to the post office, it was quite cold, was in a hurry, didn't put my coat on but just threw it in the seat beside me. When I got back home and pushed the garage door opener button, (my friend naturally on my mind), my hand brushed the fur on the hood of my coat laying in the seat beside me. Would you believe me if I told you that we now have a huge hole in the wall of our garage??

No, no, not really--but once again, I thought of my mother-in-law and what wisdom she instilled in me over the years. I'll be glad when I can stop thinking about her for a while.

I am linking to Simple Pleasures. The simple pleasure?? laughing at myself


Project Simple Pleasures2

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Day After

Silver bells now silenced
Flickering candles dimmed
Twinkling lights darkened by attic black
Chorus of carols hushed
Heart heaves heavy
Should be rejoicing
Walk by refrigerator
Eyes are drawn
To small love letter
Three little words
penned by one of seven grandchildren
And suddenly it's Christmas
All over again

All glory to God,

2011-the Year of Living Beyond Myself
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 3:20,21

Please join Emily, me and all the others at Imperfect Prose.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Nouvei Ami

On the way home from Branson right before Christmas, while I was taking pictures of a church across the street, my husband was checking out this little restaurant, the Skylark Cafe, in Leslie, Arkansas.

It was off the beaten path just a bit but I was looking for churches to take pictures of for Weekend Worship. We had eaten a big breakfast kinda late and it was only 12:30 PM so I was shocked when my husband suggested that we eat there. ~~Not disappointed, though--it just looked like they would have good food.

Leslie is a little town of 482 as of the 2000 census. While we were sitting there waiting for our food, my husband wondered out loud "how in the world they stay in business and who in the world eats there."

I commented that maybe they get a lot of local people, retired people and maybe some folks from over at Yellville, population a little over twice as big as Leslie. While we were still contemplating all of these important issues of the day, the screen door opens and a man and two ladies come in.

They were looking for a "local" barbecue joint. It didn't take but a minute or two before he had joined us at our table. He said they were going to be in the Little Rock area that night and asked us about barbecue places. I could not think of a "local" one and mentioned "Corky's", not realizing that he was a connoisseur of great restaurants. He immediately let me know that Corky's was a chain. LOL

Well, I'm honestly NOT SURE he is a connoisseur but he is from Paris, France, so I figured that just maybe------!

 Isn't he the cutest thing you've ever seen and could he look any more the part?  Actually, he was an actor from the local town practicing for a play they were having that night--no, no, he was really from Paris.  Can you believe that?  It is such a small world!

 And here is our nouvei ami, new friend, Colin, with his wife Hamida (across the table from him) and Pella, her sister.  Colin spoke perfect English.  Hamida and Pella did not speak very much English but seemed to understand everything I said.

And here is the delicious food the restaurant served.  My husband got the parmesan crusted chicken sandwich and I got a hot cajun something or other.  They were both delicious.  And fresh salad--it seems that hardly anyone serves fresh salad anymore. Our new friends were NOT disappointed in their choices--said everything they ordered was really good!

And cucumbers, tomato and onion in a vinegar dressing--oh wow!  to die for--

So would you say a prayer for our new friends--somehow when we meet someone from so far away in such a remote, unlikely place, I just can't believe that it was a coincidence.  

I gave them my web address so I am hoping that they just "happen to tune in" and see themselves.  They were just beautiful and I felt blessed to get to meet them.  God, bless all of you, dear new Paris friends.

All glory to God~


2011-the Year of Living Beyond Myself
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 3:20,21

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2010 Can I Leave the Longings? 2011

Wow! What a year 2010 was. Here are just a few of the many longings I expressed in my postings this year.

I long to be obedient.

I long to be a person of true and sincere intercession.

I long to reflect His character.

I long to walk and talk with Him for eternity.

I long to enjoy freedom, His freedom, to the max--

I long to be totally genuine, with no trace of hypocrisy.

I long to dance.

I long to know Him more through scripture.

and the list goes on and on-------

And I was sincere in what I wrote~~

As I lay all my longings out before Him and before you, dear friend,

You know what I long for, Lord; you hear my every sigh. from Psalm 38
(This was the scripture from which I took my theme for 2010)

I have come to believe more than ever

That He is here

To fulfill them all--

To make me what I desire

Only because of the Holy Spirit's longings

He has placed in my heart--

And now...............

Am I willing to accept that

He is willing

To live His life through me,

To go beyond my wildest dreams and expectations,

To live out through me the Person He IS--

Not that I become like Him--that was what satan desired--

But that I wholly, beyond my wildest capabilities,

Give myself and my will freely to Him,

So that He can exhibit His character through me,

He can intercede through me--

He can write through me--

He can dance through me--

He can bless through me--

But only if I live beyond myself~~

And so it is that through the leadership of God's Spirit, I christen 2011

All glory to God~



I wish I could tell you how the holidays spun out for me

How at first I dragged my feet thinking I would not decorate nearly so much as usual--

Kinda afraid to get on the holiday band wagon--

Cause I know someday it won't be the same anymore--

The people who used to ride with me

My mom and dad and Meemaw and Peepaw

Well, they're weren't here this Christmas and haven't been for a number of years now--

But somehow my memories keep them just as vivid as their first nativity celebrated heavenly--

I decided to get on anyway

To go ahead and kick up my heels--

And before I knew it my heart was flying high

Rejoicing with the people God has embedded in my heart at this time and place--

During this season, the almost winter, of my Merry-Go-Life.


Please join Emily, me and all the others at Imperfect Prose.

silver dollar city


merlin carothers


book of churches
