For the sake of understanding the story--for those of you who don't know,
Renewal Ranch is a place right outside of Conway, AR dedicated to helping men restore their lives through Christ, men who have been in the addictions of alcohol and/or drugs.
My husband and I are volunteers at the Ranch.
I know your time is valuable but if you get a chance I hope you will skim over it.
There is a very neat addendum to the story.
Right after I started taking pictures of this painting, a ray of sunlight suddenly engulfed it.
I will call the main character S. like I did in the other post.
S. never got in Renewal Ranch but he is walking free in God's victory today. He has been clean for a year and two months.
In the other story, I posted that his problem was drugs. However, it was alcohol.
A few months ago, S. met a young man in the throes of addiction and brought him to the Ranch.
His friend, R, got in.
A few weeks ago, S, R and I were asked to give our testimony.
I started telling basically the same story I told in the other post.
S. picked up where I left off and then R. told of his part of the story.
The thing is--we all KNOW beyond a shadow of any doubt that it was orchestrated by God and we give Him all the glory.
Wanting to remember this event and how God orchestrated it, I started a journal page last year.
I got almost finished and got discouraged about the girl's face.
Today I decided to paint in my art journal and happened to turn to this page.
I worked on her face a little bit and am pleased with it now.
In Him we live and move and have our being. Acts 17:28
© all photographs and text property of Dianne Hogue unless otherwise noted