As we were praying in a circle-- my husband, youngest son, his wife, and 2 young daughters, I shed some tears. While others were still praying, I felt the small finger of a five-year old angel softly brush away one tear, then one on the other side and another. Of course, she had to announce to everyone after the prayer that "Mimi was crying."
I said, "Yes, I was crying and for as long as I live I will remember the hand of God brushing my tears away. She held up her hands real high and yelled, "We are the hands of God. God uses our hands."
Later today we found out that Jeff has 5 blockages of 75% or more--the doctor wants to try stints and balloons because of his young age but we may be looking at bypasses. We KNOW that God is in control and give HIM glory through this difficult situation. God is faithful and so, so good to us.
So today I am thankful for family once again
thankful for little hands that brush away tears
heart hospitals
doctors and nurses who are so skilled
technology that blows me away
faithful friends and prayer chains everywhere who are supporting us and lifting us to God in prayer.
faithful gratitude community readers who I know will pray for us--
I love you all. Thank you for your prayers.
If you would like to see a picture of Jeff, scroll down just a few posts--his picture was featured on my gifts list last Monday.
Posted in thanksgiving with the Gratitude Community at: