Thirteen years ago today we received word that our third granddaughter was going to make her arrival soon--three weeks before the expected due date.
We were living in Tulsa at the time and started the long, anxious drive to Arkansas. The reason for her early arrival was made clear to me just a few weeks later. Due to her coming early, I was able to spend July 8, 1997, with my father, his 87th birthday. Because we lived in separate states, I had only spent one birthday with him in many, many years.
As it turned out, that was to be his last earthly birthday. Oh, the comfort I received from the hand of God knowing I had spent that precious time with him. I will forever think that God orchestrated the birth of our third granddaughter to the melody of "Happy Birthday, dear Daddy Boyd, happy birthday to you.
The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. It seems that so many times in our family when we have lost a family member, God has given us a new birth--not to take the place of the beloved's loss, but to help fill up some of the loss and aching our hearts know.
When my mother-in-law died, our first and only grandson was born six weeks before. How like God to look out for us at every turn. His faithfulness still astounds me after all these years.
So it is to you, Precious Caroline, that I dedicate this post and this day. Our lives would NOT have been complete without you. We love you dearly.
Proud big sister, Katelyn, is on the left.
2010~the Year of Longings